
“A woman’s home is her castle…”

How to resolve your property repair issues?

Repairs to properties are both an eventuality and a royal nuisance. However, the effects of repair work, including who is responsible and the costs associated differ depending on the type of ownership. Tenants of an AST, leaseholders and homeowners are all subject to potential repairs and this article identifies the obligations of each, providing some…

The impact of gentrification on ethnic communities

In March 2021, The Sewell Report found “no evidence of systemic or institutional racism in Britain” and stated that “most of the disparities examined… often do not have their origins in racism.” However, in the same breath, it also found that “ethnic minority Britons are more likely to live in persistent poverty and overcrowded housing”, with 28%…

Why more ladies need to invest and how to start!

I am in no way a financial advisor and therefore nothing I say should be taken or relied upon as financial advice. Instead speak to the experts which I’ve mentioned below. Please see glossary at the end for any highlighted terms. How to get started with investing? As mentioned, I am in no way a…

Divorce: what assets will I get from the divorce?

The aim of this post is to explain what factors the courts consider when dividing assets between a divorcing couple. Helpful tips for any ladies (sorry guys – but it tends to be us who initiate proceedings) who want more information on what they are likely to get from a divorce… What assets will I…

Part 2: Tenants Behaving Badly

Tenants behaving badly The worst examples of tenants breaching their obligations (and behaving badly) are as follows: 1. Rent Arrears 2. Illegal Subletting 3. Anti-social behaviour & Damage *Disclaimer: independent legal advice is encouraged if pursuing any of these claims as a landlord. Although, less documented than landlords’ failings, there are plenty of examples of…

Part 1: Landlords behaving badly

Landlords behaving badly The worst examples of landlords breaching their obligations (and behaving badly) are as follows: 1. Charging prohibited fees 2.Not registering Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) 3.Renting properties which are unfit for habitation 4.Not returning deposits *Disclaimer: independent legal advice is always encouraged if pursuing any of these claims as a tenant.* The…

Mind the gap: why is there a lack of female homeowners?

This post explains the reason why there is a lack of female homeowners in England and provides some ways to improve this situation. This post will be particularly helpful for those wanting to learn more about ‘Shared Ownership’ and ‘Help-to-Buy mortgages’. There is a housing affordability gap in England. Put simply, there is a shortage…

Sex for rent: how to put an end to this growing crisis…

This post discussing the growing crisis of ‘sex for rent’ cases, especially since Covid-19, where rogue landlords offer free rent for sexual services. I examine the current law and whether reform is necessary Last month, a landlord was charged for the first ever ‘sex-for-rent’ case in the UK. Christopher Cox, aged 52, was accused of…

Extension of the Eviction ban: protection or purgatory for renters?

This post discusses the Government’s new announcement of an extended eviction ban and discusses the impact this is having on renters who are accruing rent arrears. What is the eviction ban? The government currently has a ban in place which prevents any eviction by bailiffs to take place against private renters until 31st March 2021.…


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